Happy Public Holiday!

Hi Guys, so I guess those who had followed my blog knew what happened last week. After all the mourning and unhappiness, its time to FOCUS. Well, something about me is… when is start to binge and eat sweet stuff…. I am either stressed or sad. I was not able to focus on my diet at all! Thus explains the weight gain. 

From this day forward, I must be DISCIPLINED again. “Food is the most abused anxiety drug. Exercise is the most under-utilized antidepressant.” With this quote I saw in Facebook, I shall be more focus and remember food is a killer!

Well, I got to admit that I am really a foodie, I can drive to new places to enjoy good food and try out new stuffs! I still could do that.. All I have to do is refrain from carbs.. Remember Dukan diet I told you guys about? My weight did gain back because of my binge eating past week, I was literally hungry every minute. It might be due to stress and sadness though. During or even after you have completed all phases of this diet, you MUST NOT binge eat ok!

Today, will be day 1 of my diet, I will probably do it only have 2 weeks then proceed to stablization. I realized I was too skinny when I was 51.8kg.. so yeap, this time round, my aim is 53kg. That’s good enough for me already!

FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS. NO MORE CARBS NO MORE DESSERT NO MORE SUGAR. Thereafter, I can slowly introduce carbs to my body. I CAN DO IT! 

Oh yes, something important that I must always remind myself. DO NOT be lazy, Laziness kills. When Im sad… EXERCISE! 

ALRIGHT. Here we go! watch me shrink! 




Stablisation phase… FOREVER!!

I am 1 month plus into stablisation phase and my weight has maintained so far!

I am glad I have introduced two friends to get onto this diet! One of them has already lost.. 3kg? in attack phase.. the other.. still struggling!

Well, some of our body is resistant to weight loss, i guess it takes a little longer…. oh.. just got a message that she lost a total of 0.6kg!! She took the 2/0 rhythm which also means losing lower body but not upper body.. going into 5 days of normal diet, 2 days of puer protein..happy for her!

I guess in conclusion to dukandiet, we always have to hydrate and hydrate… drink lots of water to keep our kidney healthy… Due to the high intake of protein especially during attack phase and pure protein days. I had my blood tests done last month, during stablisation phase, all were normal.. Renal function is good, liver function is good.. Uric acid is normal. So guys.. the key is.. drink lots of water!

Rebound of weight? not that it has happened to me yet. Bear in mind, that there is one day of pure protein each week and we have to be strict about it! Okay. I admit, there are two weeks consecutively i skipped pp days, the reason was I was not well! Yes, the weighing scale showed no weight change.. but I didnt want a rebound of weight to take place… i went back on track! oh yes oh yes.. Dont forget your daily oat bran ok! and if you really want to go on this diet? I urge you to buy dukan diet book.. available at kinokuniya. read about it… prepare your oat bran.. understand how it works then start the diet.

There are 3 dukan products that helped me during this diet.

1. Whoosh http://www.shopdukandiet.com/supplements/diuretic

2. Cellulite control http://www.shopdukandiet.com/supplements/cellulite-control

3. Appetite and Fat Control http://www.shopdukandiet.com/supplements/appetite-control

you can also sign up coaching with Dr. dukan like what my sister did when she was on this diet alone. He will monitor your weight and calculate your true weight!

 Visit http://www.dukandiet.com

Anyway, I am not advertising for him.. I guess he doesn’t need advertisement. I am just sharing what most of us wants! lose weight! Be it overall, or just the bottom… it can be done! =D

Need to thank my sister for guiding me through this diet! supporting me throughout! =D ❤

I hope you girls out there will achieve your true weight!






Consolidation Phase – The transition Diet (start date:19th Nov, End date: Jan 7th)

Hi all, Im currently in my consolidation phase! I started introducing carbs into my diet every day. Of course what is recommended by Dr. Dukan is 100% wholegrain, but its not easy to find.. so ended up with random carbs a portion a day!

Approximately 3 weeks from the start of my consolidation phase, I have not had any rebound. Initially, my body could not accept carbs.. my weight shot up to 54kg, then, i still continue with what I am supposed to take everyday. Currently weighing at 51.7kg. I am still able to enjoy celebration meal per week, not forgetting to go on pure protein every thurs. I guess it will fluctuate between 51.7kg- 53kg? But I am quite happy with this range already. Taking into consideration that I have not exercised 3 weeks now due to weather and injuries!

The 2nd half of my Consolidation phase, i will start to introduce 2 celebration MEAL a week, and 2 starchy food a week in addition to a portion of daily carbs, an apple a day. Looking forward to end my consolidation phase, till then, I have to be more disciplined!



