Back to Blogging!

Hey Everyone! Im back to this blog.. I guessed its quite random, Many things happened froom 2008- PRESENT. If you have read my previous posts… almost everything has changed….

1) No more Lemon

2) No more Shannon , (but found my Fiance =P)

3) No more Bboying, No more hip hop dance (Currently Yoga, Personal Training, Piano… and am thinking of learning Guitar!)

4) Not a Student Nurse anymore (Working as a RN- Oncology) and am loving it.

5) Closer to God, but still trying to walk with him.

6) Have new dogs! (Brownie and Fluffy)

7) Loves Chilling out at Altitude , dance at Butter. Hates MINK.

8) Loves my dance friends from 2007- PRESENT. Cause they are ever so KB.

9) Loves my two male Buddy Kh and Dong. hehe ^^


10) Loves Shirley and Yip. ( We are like pillars for each other. MUACK)

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11) Loves Desmond.


*HA…….* So many changes, but these changes are good I would say. Let’s back track a bit, recently held a party for Shirley for her birthday! Awesome time spent at Hyatt Hotel, with marvellous service, If not the plan to surprise Shirley would had fallen through! Her feelings really went up and down like a roller coaster that day, and I’m glad all of us enjoyed ourselves, despite many hiccups.. =D

I hope this blog will sustain! and will be posting up more interesting stuffs.




One thought on “Back to Blogging!

  1. dreamingbread says:

    Loves you too! Muacks! =)

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