Wedding Bells!!

2013-09-12 00.39.46

Yes! Im getting married! Its the most one of the most blessed and happiest thing that can happen on earth! God has blessed me with a Godly man, what more can I ask for? I’m so excited that we are going to lead a new chapter of life together. I always emphasize that wedding is just a process, for the public eye see that you are getting married. Whats more important? The marriage.

What happens if its like an apple, healthy red looking on the outside, but rotten in the inside? Thats why, wedding to me is not important. Many couples may disagree, many will spend lots of money for that day, some even go in debt. Thus this is very unhealthy for a newly-wed couple! Think twice before spending!!

My wedding gown, I got it made by AnnTeoh at Delfi orchard, the reason why I got it designed was because of my church strict requirements. Thats why I have to had it designed. I really love it! It is very elegant, sophisticated and of course….. very covered up. Heh.. My body is only for the eyes of my hubby. =D

My photographer, Douglas Fun from Avenue 8. What can I say? Very professional and I love the pictures he takes. Using natural sunlight. The pictures you see in this post are taken from him but played in Channel News Asia.

My make up artist, Cleo Chang. I SERIOUSLY love her make up. Unlike other make up artist, her make up doesn’t make u look as if you are someone else.

After my wedding buffet in church… I shall reveal where I get my caterer and Dessert table. Hehe… esp…. the DESSERT TABLE.

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My single life of staying home alone is going to be changed! WE are going to start staying together, living together. This is so exciting as its going to be different from our usual life. Can’t wait to live under the same roof together. =D

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Our honeymoon! LONG WAITED? Even BETTER than the wedding. 14 days for going overseas and travelling together. Just the two of us. Excited or what! Can’t wait to reach to this Chapter!! Its going to be exciting, fun, something new, something long waited! <3<3<3

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I truely sincerely Thank God for walking with us all these while. Preparing for wedding isn’t something easy. I Thank God for letting me see this whole wedding process in another perspective. Its a 3 person relationship, God, My hubby and I. Without this relationship, nothing is meaningful, nothing can be achieved. We are truely happy and blessed. I feel that I’m the happiest girl on earth!

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Recently, Desmond and I got featured in CNA (Channel News Asia) for their programme called “In Fringe 2”
Initially I thought our segment will only be a few seconds! But, as we watch.. towards the end, its like our own show. Its such a great experience to have CNA filming us during our pre-wedding shoot. How many percent of couples will get this chance? It is so memorable. I can show it to my kids next time! Hehe..

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There you go, Click on the link below to enjoy Marriage Economics.

Till I update again regarding my wedding preparation.. or post wedding pictures…

J. ❤