Im starting to miss my sister…

Hey Jie, I know you don’t read my blog anymore… Cause I think you thought that I will no longer update it.. Well, this post is for you.

Take it that its because ma is overseas and I’m starting to miss you cause of that. Cause both are you are the same..

Looking through my pics.. realized how much both of us have grown.. I remembered when we went beer fest together with your friends, and Im like your little devil.. telling you what to do..telling you its okay to drink… and you drank.. =X I realized we went out more often… You joined Des and I during NDP…..we went to chill and we were crazy about churos with chocs dip.. Not forgetting dessert sessions … @ antionette.. and crashing into your parttor session with you and jeff when desmond was busy.. Going personal training with you at benghwee’s place.. poking fun of you while we are doing our PT… Sigh. I really miss you.

I miss those days, and I know it will never come back cause we have all grown up, married, and have our own family. Well, it can only stay as lovely memories.

Even though we always quarrel with each other, in the end, we still know that we need each other…

I know you were angry with me before you left for US… you had mood swings cause you cant bear to leave. Well, I too, cannot bear to see you be away for 2 years….

I miss you Sis, am looking forward to see you this July, to quarrel with you and irritate you. (:




A bit of everything…

Didn’t manage to blog as much as previously cause my home internet is faulty.. I have yet to find out what is the main reason! No time to call starhub to troubleshoot this problem.. 

Being maid-less nowadays made me a very busy woman after work.. I have to wash my clothes… clean up brownie and fluffy playpen.. pack my room.. etc etc.. Hur, its time to get another helper..

Piano lessons have been great and always interesting… i guess I just need a little more discipline… grade 3 practical exam, grade 5 theory exam… here I come! Getting a diploma in piano is like one of the greatest thing that can be achieved! It shows how discipline you are!! Yea, its not easy… having the thoughts of giving up every now and then…. PERSEVERE… heh…

I saw a Porche Panamera … Im in love with that car now.. the Panamera series… the cut is so sleek and elegant!! 

Brought my two little doggies for grooming today… brownie was shaved till almost botak! coz his hair was all tangled up. Thanks to Zann from vivo city pet safari grooming.. She always does a good job. =)

Attended Desmond’s friend wedding yesterday, Rodney.. at Flutes by the ford, Very good food .. (except the beef, coz cafe b is better) Good Red wine.. and of course, Varlhona choco tart dessert.. apparently this restaurant was awarded many awards and was mentioned in Singapore Tatler.. Romantic and high end restaurant, definitely worth the try when there is an occasion! 

I miss my mummy! she is now enjoying herself in Spain.. 

I hope my internet gets back soon! So i can blog more conveniently !!!!!!

